how to be transgender

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Reason People Become Transgender
Renaldy, a former artist in the era of the 1990s returned to the show with a distinct identity that is as a transgender named Dena Rachman after he changed his identity from male to female. There's a reason why transgender choose a life like that.

Most transgender persons do not regard his condition as an option because certainly no one wants to be born that way. These people generally feel trapped on the wrong body, with a physical sex different from sexual expression in her heart.

In his confession, Renaldy aka Dena said that he had felt trapped on the wrong body since she was little. Physically he is a man who has a penis and testicles, though his heart was always told that she is a woman.

But along in its development, he had dared to honestly express their sexual identity of the original as a teenager. He was lucky enough not be a laughingstock, because usually these changes can make a person get discriminated against or even ostracized.

Just like most other transgender, Dena reason to change his appearance to be female is to overcome the inner conflict they experienced when they were dressed like men. These changes give an inner comfort, though looks strange in the eyes of others.

Some transgender persons feel not enough just to change the look of, then complete the transformation of identity and sexual expression with hormone therapy and even a sex change. Quoted from, Tuesday (11/22/2011), transgender persons who have reached the stage of genital surgery or hormone therapy is often referred to as transsexual.

If in this case the feeling trapped in the wrong body emerged from yourself, there are also some transgender persons are formed due to social pressure. As for another example of such a man is conditioned as transgender because his parents originally wanted a girl and dressed like a woman since childhood.

There is also conditioned by economic factors, such as transvestites imitation often busking on the sidewalk. Designation is more appropriate for this group is a cross dresser, because of gender expression that made ​​only limited appearances for the money and at noon will return to normal males as always.

Sometimes, genetic factors could also lead to confusion in determining a person's sexual identity as transgender. Condition termed intersex makes a person does not have an exclusive feature for both men and women because it is different from other human chromosomes.

See Also :
- Raising Breast
- diseases transmitted by animals
- sexual disorders
- how to make a strong sperm

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