Healthy Heart

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Heart Healthy with the Properties of Garlic
The heart is one of the most important organ in our bodies. We live in this world accompanied with the sound of our heartbeat. Each beat that suggests that we hidup.Fungsi's own heart to pump blood is clean and dirty pump blood to the lung-paru.Maka of the most important organ and the main thing is heart. if your heart is pumping blood to crash it will be disturbed.

Many disorders that attack the most important organ in our body that is the heart, including a weak heart, heart attacks, arrhythmias, and many more others.

Do you know the relationship of heart with Garlic ... ... ... ....??

Garlic and Functions.
Garlic or in Latin (Alium sativum) one of the plants that normally live in the fields-fields mountain area who are getting enough sunlight. Green garlic stems and the bottom is made ​​up of several cloves are joined together into a kind of large tubers. On the outside of garlic surrounded by thin shells and shelled if its smell was sharp.

Garlic is one of the materials typically used as a cooking kitchen. But other than as a complement to cuisine, garlic also has health benefits for you know guys, especially for the heart. One of the substances contained in garlic are essential oils that act as anti-bacterial and antiseptik.Dan garlic also have an important role to prevent a heart disease is the leading cause of death cardiomyopathi in patients diabetes.Selain also garlic can also reduce levels of homocysteine which is an amino acid as a sign of coronary heart disease.

Garlic also helps statins work to destroy the fatty blockages in coronary heart patients.

In addition to the heart, a substance contained in garlic can prevent cancer, especially colon cancer. Organusulfida contained in garlic helps the liver to process chemical compounds can also beracun.Dan substance of garlic itself to control blood pressure.

In consuming garlic should not be eaten raw, because it can disrupt your stomach, preferably a mixture of garlic is used in processing the food you make.

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